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If You Knew...

If You Knew

If you knew

you had one year left

to really live…

would you?

What amends would you make?

What dreams would

you no longer forsake?

It’s normal to have regrets,

but we don’t have to forget

our long-held loves, or

push them aside because

someone didn’t agree

and said otherwise.

It’s okay. It happens.

And… here we are Now

awake with our eyes wide open,

devoted to whatever it takes

to see what’s true

and clearly know

what we dearly want

to be and do.

So, if you knew

you had one year left,

would you be okay

at the end with

what might have been?

Or, would you rather know

each and every day that you

prevailed... stayed true to

march with the drum of your heart?

How different this world could be

if we dropped the way we second-guess

and doubt that we have done our best

with what we start or end or recreate,

in learning there are no mistakes.

So swift our conscious shift could go

if we chose to trust the flow of life

fell into stride with the lead of Love’s call

and followed the guidance of Goodness

that, indeed, lives within us all.

If you knew

you had just one year left,

to live the greatest version of your being

giving yourself to the vital things…

abundant health of people and planet,

breathing life into the glorious gamut

of our loves and dreams,

serving life and all that means

Dear One,

Would you?

~ Korrine Holt

p.s. May we attune to the Infinite One we are in perfect unity, now and always.

©2017. All rights reserved.

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Poem by Korrine Holt

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