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OFFERING > Energize Your Enterprise

Strengthening the pulse of your organization's purpose, priorities and performance.

This offering is for small businesses looking to develop a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program or to enhance an existing one. Because consumers and employees have a growing concern about social and environmental issues, they are taking note of companies that give back. In turn, many organizations are extending their bottom lines to include people and planet along with revenue. Korrine helps company leaders define and creatively strategize the development (or improvement) of their CSR program so that it aligns with their mission and culture and creates a win-win-win for...

  1. recipients of the organization's service initiatives

  2. employees who want to contribute their time, energy, & abilities

  3. the enhanced well-being of the organization.


This is a powerful offering to profoundly energize your enterprise. The impact of this whole-hearted endeavor is far-reaching. Attending to needs in our world and inviting associates to contribute as they wish, strengthens the vitality of your company at the deepest level.


For more information about how we may best serve your organization's service program goals, contact us. We will be in  touch within 24 hours.

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