EVENTS > Heart & Soul Gatherings
The Possibilities are Limitless:
Welcoming direct experience with Benevolent Creation
Releasing energetic distortions from one's being... mind / body / spirit
Expanding awareness to dissolve old patterns that are stressful
Strengthening a sense of trust in one’s Infinite Wisdom & creative mastery
Opening to the possibility of living with an open heart supported by wise discernment
Where we go from here.
This event is a catalyst for deeper work. If you feel guided to pursue individual sessions or be a part of a small group intensive, contact us here. Share your area(s) of preferred focus for a small group, and mention if you would be interested to host a small group.
Standard Length is 90 Minutes
It can be customized to fit time frames and themes.
Attune to Love, Unplugged
Listening to the Call of Your Soul
This event is meditative and contemplative, inviting us to unplug from the frenzy of day-to-day life and stressful media. In the space of quietude, we can slip into deep relaxation and attunement to Divine Infinite Wisdom. Creator and Spiritual Teacher, Korrine Holt, shares a brief backstory of this soulful event's evolution.
Nearly 20 years ago, I heard someone say, “The longest journey we’ll take is from the head to the heart.” In our hectic world, that probably feels accurate for many of us. In hindsight, it seems that my work as a creative has always been linked to this challenging and rich return to the sacred center of my being. Whether writing, painting, poeting, or teaching, the creations are about living from the heart, welcoming mind to follow Love in the dance of life. When contemplating the most important thing on any given day, the answer always brings me back to this—the call of Soul beckoning to let Love lead. ~ Korrine Holt
Her devotion to this journey is felt in her poignant Poetry with Benefits productions, unique blends of conscious verses, visuals, and music that awaken Universal truths from within. These high-vibe-mini-films are an integral part of this event, inviting viewers to experience the healing power of Love through beauty, color, harmony, and pure presence.
Attuned to Source, Korrine holds the space for transformational energy to greet each participant in alignment with their soul’s calling. This welcomes an elegant unfolding of insight for each person, meeting them where they are, whether new to the path of spiritual awakening or far along the journey.
Stepping into the gateway of one’s heart and resting in the sacred center of it, there is an opportunity to experience the power of unity consciousness and the unprecedented influence it offers to our lives and world.